
There shall be 5 classes of membership:
- Founding members – person(s) who rendered distinguished services to the founding and the formation of the Association and hold or have held management position in the hospitality purchasing functions.
- Ordinary members – person(s) who perform purchasing functions in the hospitality industry or person(s) who have performed purchasing functions more than five (5) years hospitality related purchasing experience.
- Associate members – person(s) who are employed in any of the trade in the hospitality industry and other person(s) with related trade approved by Management Committee.
- Honorary members – distinguished person(s) in the field of the professional or who have rendered distinguished services to the Association shall be nominated by the Management Committee.
- Patron members – distinguished person(s) in the field of the profession who will be invited to provide patronage to the Association by the Management Committee.
Application for membership must be made on the prescribed form and submitted to the Honorary Secretary for the Management Committee’s approval.
A new member must be proposed and seconded by existing members. The Management Committee will decide on the application for membership.
The Association may not admit to membership, or retain as a member any person engage in the solicitation of orders, or who is in charge of, or responsible for sales as a supplier.
Membership Class
Founding member
Ordinary member
Associate member
Honorary member
Patron member
Founding member
Ordinary member
Associate member
Honorary member
Patron member
Annual Subscription
For enquiries on membership matters please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it